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Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, is represented by the Ram and is ruled by the planet Mars. It is a fire sign and is the youngest in the order of the signs. The astrological glyph for Aries depicts a plant breaking through the ground with two leafs, symbolizing the beginning of spring and the energy of growth and new beginnings. Aries have a natural leadership quality and are known to be courageous, independent, and confident individuals. They are loyal friends and family members, always ready to lend a helping hand. Aries rules the first house of the zodiac, which represents our identity, personality, and rising sign. As the first sign, Aries sets the tone for the rest of the zodiac, igniting the spark of passion and determination that drives us forward.
Taurus is the second sign in the zodiac and its element is earth, making it one of the youngest earth signs in the astrological chart. Its ruling planet is Venus, the planet of love and beauty, which brings a sense of harmony and balance to those born under this sign. The animal symbol for Taurus is the Bull, and the astrological glyph represents bull horns that are able to plow the ground for planting seeds of understanding and stability. Taurus represents assets and stability, highlighting what we have to offer in the tangible world. It also represents the second house of the constellations, emphasizing the importance of financial stability and material possessions in our lives. Taurus is a sign of practicality, hard work, and determination, making them reliable and trustworthy individuals.
Gemini is the third sign in the zodiac with air as its element, making it one of the youngest air signs in the astrological chart. Its ruling planet is Mercury, the planet of communication, which brings a sense of intellect and curiosity to those born under this sign. The symbol for Gemini is the Twins, and the astrological glyph represents Roman numeral 2, emphasizing the concept of cause-and-effect and the importance of duality in life. Gemini represents communication, art expression, writing, and the dynamic of the student and teacher. The twins learn from each other and teach each other, creating a never-ending cycle of growth and expansion. Gemini represents all the answers to the questions in the world, and God in the universe wants Gemini to intrigue and inspire people to ask more questions and find answers that bring them closer to alignment. Gemini represents the third house and is a free spirit who loves fun and debates, always looking for new experiences and knowledge.
Cancer is the fourth sign in the zodiac and its element is water, making it one of the youngest water signs in the astrological chart. Its ruling planet is the Moon, which brings a sense of intuition and emotion to those born under this sign. The animal symbol for Cancer is the Crab, and the astrological glyph represents the Leviathan, the most powerful creature God has ever created in the Bible to show humanity his strength and power. Cancers reflect this strength and power through the divine feminine's wrath, which should not be taken lightly. Cancer represents one's mother and the reflection of maternal love and instincts. Cancers represent the animal within us all that must be emotionally tended to and understood in order for the love of the divine feminine in the universe to be well-received. Cancer is a sign of emotion, nurturing, and protection, emphasizing the importance of family and home in one's life.
Leo is the fifth sign in the zodiac, and its element is fire, making it the midway point fire sign in the astrological chart. Leo represents the flame of the fire, the warmth and growth that the Leo's flame is able to cultivate. Its ruling planet is the celestial body of the Sun, bringing a sense of creativity and passion to those born under this sign. The animal symbol for Leo is the Lion, and the astrological glyph represents the head of the lion with the name flowing over top like the crown of a king, emphasizing the regal nature of this sign. Leo represents the theater and children, creativity, fun, excitement, and leadership through example. Leos represent the fifth house of the zodiac and are a representation of the father and our natural ability to be paternal and guide our loved ones to more fun and success. Leo's are known for their charisma, generosity, and confidence, and they have a natural ability to lead and inspire others. They are creative and love the spotlight, often shining brightly in their careers and personal lives.
Virgo is the sixth sign in the zodiac, and its element is earth, making it the midway point earth sign in the astrological chart. Virgo represents herbs and nutrients that are used for healing and rejuvenation, as well as daily routines such as tending to gardens and chores. Its ruling planet is the planet Mercury, bringing a sense of intelligence and communication to those born under this sign. The symbol for Virgo is the Maiden/Virgin, and the astrological glyph represents a "M," which can represent medicine and the word maiden. Virgo represents the daily routines and tasks in the world that we all must maintain to maintain a healthy lifestyle, ecosystem, and community. Virgo represents working hard and guiding others with divine scrutiny. Virgos love language involves persistently telling people in their life that they care about to tend to things in their personal lives, reflecting Virgo's attention to detail and their ability to care about situations and people outside of themselves. They rule the sixth house, which is the house of medicine and healing and can also be associated with alchemy, transforming dense materials into lighter ones. Virgo reflects taking more dense thoughts and realities and bringing them into lighter realities. Virgo's must remind themselves to keep a light-hearted attitude.
Libra is the seventh sign in the zodiac, and its element is air, making it the midway point air sign in the astrological chart. Libra represents the scales, and in some interpretations, the close of Scorpio. This would mean the claw of holding hand in hand or the choice of hurting another. Its ruling planet is Venus, bringing a sense of love and beauty to those born under this sign. The symbol for Libra is the Scales of Maat, and the astrological glyph represents the horizon, a line with a sunset, showing that the clear-headed mind of a Libra is always looking for a brighter future of relatability and fairness. Libra represents debating, relationships, mirroring loved ones' energy, and internalizing certain behaviors as a sign of love language. Libra represents the seventh house of the zodiac, which is the house of relationships and what we look for in friendships, partnerships, and relationships. Libras have an easy time keeping things lighthearted, but they can tend to be hot-headed given the right debate or topic. Libra’s in Leading roles need to keep in mind that everyone's values are valid and can be incorporated into various endeavors. Libras are known for their charm, diplomacy, and love of harmony, making them excellent mediators and peacemakers. They strive for balance and fairness in all aspects of life, and they have a natural ability to see both sides of any situation. But are guilty of being the devils advocate, which will be indicated in Libra’s that are more indecisive.
Scorpio is the eighth sign in the zodiac, and its element is water, making it the midway point water sign in the astrological chart. Scorpio represents the deepest depths of emotional waters in which we fall into when we are deep in our bonds and relationships. The brighter the light shines in our relationships, the greater the shadows will cast over them in times of doubt. Its ruling planets are the dual planets of Mars and Pluto, bringing a sense of passion and transformation to those born under this sign. The animal symbol for Scorpio is the Scorpion, and the astrological glyph symbolizes the Tail of the Scorpion. Scorpio represents extended family, hidden cults, knowledge of the world, astrology, numerology, sacred geometry, and all hidden secrets in the world. Scorpio is a sign that is able to see what's in the hearts of others and is able to gauge whether or not the Scorpio will be well-received by the individual they are engaging with. This basically means a Scorpio is able to see the intentions of others, and if there are ulterior motives. But on the more mature side, Scorpios are able to tap into this blessing from God. Scorpios that are still in the scorpion stage will act out of emotional instinct, but only until a Scorpio transitions to a golden eagle will they always abuse their power of hyper-awareness and observation. But if one is able to give every living thing the benefit of the doubt, then the Scorpio can transcend from a golden eagle to a phoenix, where they cause others' emotions to be reborn into higher understanding, deeper knowledge, and stronger bonds. Scorpios are known for their intensity, passion, and ability to transform themselves and those around them. Fully Realized Scorpio’s in the Phoenix energy are not afraid of the dark and are able to navigate the deepest waters of their emotions with ease.
Sagittarius is the ninth sign in the zodiac, and its element is fire, making it the most mature of the fire signs in the astrological chart. Sagittarius represents the Light of the fire, in the bright and shining warmth that the Sagittarius’s Light is able to Reveal. Its ruling planet is Jupiter, a planet of blessings, expansion, and higher learning, bringing a sense of optimism and abundance to those born under this sign. The animal symbol for Sagittarius is the Centaur, Chiron in mythology known as the wounded healer. Sagittarius individuals heal others through their laughter and philosophy of letting go of feelings and thoughts that don't serve your greater good, and the astrological glyph symbolizes the Arrow of the Centaur holding a bow and arrow in hand. Sagittarius represents blessing others with happiness, expanding one's point of view and expectations in life. Sagittarius represents people who love to travel and experience different cultures and religions. It's easy for Sagittarius to keep things lighthearted, and the fire that Sagittarius represents is the light that comes off of the flame, illuminating itself and others by sharing its blessings. Sagittarius represents the ninth house of morals, philosophy, and our base morality and how it is reflected into the world. Sagittarius individuals are known for their love of freedom, adventure, and their ability to inspire others to follow their dreams. They have a natural sense of optimism and are always looking for the silver lining in any situation. Sagittarius individuals are the ultimate seekers of truth and wisdom, and they are always expanding their knowledge and understanding of the world. Enlightening all around them to new Horizons and possibilities.
Capricorn is the tenth sign in the zodiac, and its element is earth, making it the most mature of the earth signs in the astrological chart. Capricorn represents the roots of the earth, which represents Capricorn's ability to create foundations. Its ruling planet is Saturn, bringing a sense of discipline, responsibility, and structure to those born under this sign. The animal symbol for Capricorn is the SeaGoat, a half fish, half goat, or in some cultures, represented as a MerPerson, and the astrological glyph symbolizes the shape of a seven, with the left half looking like the head of the goat and the right half looking like the tail of a mermaid. This can be compared to Capricorn's ability to be simultaneously cold and caring at the same time. Capricorn represents a public persona and vibration that we give out to the world. Capricorns are very witty, charming individuals who can be fun-loving when the time is appropriate. This can be a great example of Capricorn's need to show Toughlove when they feel things need to change in a more cardinal direction. Capricorn represents the 10th house of the zodiac and is a representation of the magnetic field and aura around their body that others are able to pick up on and feel positive or negative energy from. Capricorns, by nature, are very methodical and thoughtful in all that they do, and anyone who is close to Capricorn is aware of their capacity to be fun-loving and hard-working in a symbiotic way. Having a relationship or friendship with a Capricorn will allow you to feel a kind of bond in synergy with another that is like no other. Capricorns are known for their drive and ambition, and they are always striving to reach new heights in their careers and personal lives. They have a natural sense of responsibility and are always looking for ways to make a positive impact on the world.
Aquarius is the eleventh sign in the zodiac, and its element is air, making it the most mature of the air signs in the astrological chart. Aquarius represents the air of a comforting breeze or a breath of fresh air. Its ruling planet is Uranus, bringing a sense of change, innovation, and unconventional thinking to those born under this sign. The animal symbol for Aquarius is the WaterBearer, and the astrological glyph symbolizes the water that flows out of the vase that Aquarius bears, giving water to all that are in a drought. The mythological counterpart of Aquarius is Jesus giving water to his followers and disciples, representing the idea that all beings are worthy of love and appreciation, no matter what part of the community they are in. Aquarius represents the 11th house, which is the last physical house in the zodiac, representing space itself. This being a crisis house represents new ideas, innovation, social media, and technology. Aquarius individuals are very dynamic and resourceful, given the right kind of project or task. They embody rebellion in this world, which could also be reworded as being your authentic self or original self. Aquarius represents the version of us that is the star that shines and doesn't allow society to dim the light within. Aquarius individuals are very kind and sharing in nature when someone has proven their worth on a relatable level with them. However, they need to beware of the tendency to make themselves feel better through talking down about others. They should instead focus on finding a deep sense of peace and fulfillment by putting all judgments out the window. Aquarius individuals are known for their humanitarian nature, and they are always looking for ways to make a positive impact on the world. They have a natural sense of independence and individuality, and they are not afraid to be different or stand out from the crowd. Aquarius individuals are always seeking knowledge and new experiences, and they are always looking for ways to expand their understanding of the world.
Pisces is the twelfth sign in the zodiac, and its element is water, making it the most mature of the water signs in the astrological chart. Pisces represents the water that flows throughout All the World and touches all of us and all of our lives. Pisces water is calm and peaceful. Its ruling planet is Neptune, a planet that represents dreams, visions, and imagination. The animal symbol for Pisces is the two KoiFish, and the astrological glyph symbolizes one fish to the left flopping one way in a world in life that is Dreamt up, and the fish flopping to the right, reflecting the world in which we are trying to enter our world of wishes and dreams. Representing Pisces. Understanding of the worlds. Need to keep dreaming your dreams well still appreciating all that your current reality has to offer.
Pisces represents the concept of making wishes and dreaming, the nostalgia of imagination and daydreaming. Pisces individuals have a special power to connect and bond with all walks of life, regardless of age, race, or demographics. Being the most mature of all the zodiac signs, Pisces has an extraordinary power to make others feel a sense of understanding and innerstanding that brings a feeling of nostalgic fulfillment. Pisces must pay attention to their tendency to run away from conflict or to be stuck in a speaking loop of the same information. When a Pisces is confronted with confrontation, the only thing they need to do to make things right is to take accountability for what they or others cannot understand in a given situation. Many believe that Jesus Christ was a Pisces, and the Pisces on the physical body represent the feet and are directly connected to our immune system. So the more Pisces dreams, imagines, and wishes for things and puts physical effort into the 3-D world, the more they can create a generational abundance for all that surround them. Pisces individuals are known for their compassionate nature and their ability to see the good in others. They have a natural sense of empathy and are always looking for ways to help others. Pisces individuals are highly intuitive and have a deep understanding of human emotion, making them great counselors or therapists. They have a natural sense of creativity and are always seeking new ways to express themselves through art or music. Pisces individuals are highly adaptable and are always willing to go with the flow, making them great team players.
Ophiucus is a lesser-known sign in the zodiac, and its element is spirit, making it the center conversion point of the Signs in the astrological Wheel chart. Physically, Ophiucus is situated between the constellation Scorpio and Sagittarius. Ophiucus represents the spirit of the saw that dwells within all of us in the world. Its ruling planet is the dual planets Pluto and Jupiter, and its symbol is the A Man Taming a Serpent Dragon, and the astrological glyph symbolizes a "U" shape with a line squiggle, representing a man with his arms rising to the sky, holding onto the serpent. Ophiucus represents the concept of taming or animal instincts within and achieving godlike ascension of enlightenment. Ophiucus individuals identify strongly with the Scorpio and Sagittarius tropes of the zodiac. People with strong or many Sagittarius/Scorpio placements will relate to many of the mythologies and information regarding Ophiucus and what he symbolizes. Anyone born in the cusp of Scorpio Sagittarius is a Ophiucus sunshine technically. But that is only if the individual feels called to make that connection with the universe or Ophiucus if they so choose. Ophiucus represents in this universe the concept of "ask and it shall be given" or "ask and it shall be received." If you believe that you have split personality disorder, then the universe will grant that to you. But only you can decide whether or not something is a disorder or another piece of the greater puzzle of your existence and purpose. Ophiucus is a sign that represents the power of manifestation, and its individuals are known for their ability to create their reality through their thoughts and beliefs. They have a deep understanding of the spiritual realm and are always seeking new ways to connect with the universe. Ophiucus individuals are highly intuitive and have a natural sense of empathy. They are always looking for ways to help others and make the world a better place. Ophiucus is a sign that represents the power of transformation and represents the idea that anything is possible if you believe in yourself and your abilities.
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